Monday, June 8, 2009

Science happenings for today

Heres some updates from the colorful world of science:

(1) People are trying to stop planes flying over the grand canyon

There are well over 100 planes and choppers flying over the Grand Canyon each day. The whiny tourists are cracking the shits, so they are kicking up a stink about it. It was meant to be taken care of about 22 years ago, but it never went through, so the tourists are having another crack at being major fucking whiners. "The Grand Canyon may look the same but it does not sound the same" a whiny tourist is quoted as saying.

(2) The US is finally getting around to doing something about greenhouse emissions.

The Seppos are finally biting the bullet and passing a bill to reduce the emissions to 17% below 2005 levels by 2020. Some companies are going to be coughing up dough to give to Uncle Sam for their emissions as well, supposedly 5% of the cash is gonna help reforestration projects. See what happens when you don't have a redneck criminal bigoted faschist pig of a president at the helm? (Dubya everyones looking at you!) things actually start to get done!

(3) Shellfish reefs are getting their asses handed to them.

Poor little buggers. They provide us with tasty meals, their reefs protect our shores from erosion, shelter other organisms, they filter organic dirt form the water and they have been all round decent folks to us. And THIS is how we treat them??? 85% of all reefs are now fuckin DEAD!! Because we are stupid fucks, we are only just now realising that shellfish are more then a tasty snack.

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